Hello there! Click the preview below to proceed to my main carrd.
WARNING: Contains bright colors/text. The background is a blingee, so there is mild strobing and flashing.

Too visually intense? Read below for a basic summary instead.

this carrd is brief and updated infrequently.

Last updated 1/17/2022

Mars / he/him or none / 18 / white / gay genderfluid tme


  • bigots need not apply

  • blockchain techbro i.e. crypto nft etc.

  • into sexualised content of minors (fictional/aged up included) engage in "ship wars", ship real people, ship noncon/incest/minor+adult etc.

  • et cetera. if I don't want you following me I'll softblock


  • I block liberally. If you’re blocked it’s probably not personal

  • Please dm if I do something out of line or follow/rt weird accounts. Seriously don't be shy, if anything bothers you I don’t mind talking things out

  • Please also send a dm if you need anything tagged or have particulars about interaction, I'm forgetful but I’ll do my best to accommodate


  • Kingdom Hearts

  • The World Ends With You

  • Monster Hunter (Rise, 4U, 3U)

  • Final Fantasy VIII

  • Bloodstained (RoTN)

  • +More stuff. super multifandom